Edible Forest
Our Edible Forest
Our edible forest applies the principles of ecology to mimic a forest ecosystem that provides a sustainable system offering food, fun, treats and delicious healthy goodness.
We are combating global issues while enlightening and empowering our youth. Our edible forest offers practicality and teaches us how to live interdependently without exhausting our resources.
In our society today, 1 in 3 children are on a fast track to develop Type 2 Diabetes. And an overwhelming majority of the children in our cities have never actually taken part in cultivating healthy food. Loving Hands Children’s home wants to introduce children to “Our Edible Forest” and contribute to teaching healthy nutrition.
In my own personal life, I was an adult before I met and fell in love with my first chicken, pig or goat… or realized how diet, life style choices and healthy symbiotic relationships with nature really affected my life and world. Our aim is to teach children about natural, healthy, clean food choices which will lend itself to better life choices as they grow and continue to learn. It all begins now, with our children and education. This enables minds to open and grow for a better tomorrow.
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
P.O Box 48004
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (424) 781-8194
Email: lovinghandschildrenshome@yahoo.com
We are open 7 days a week!
We accept all forms of donations